Monday, April 16, 2012

Gelatin Printing with.....Gelli Arts printing plate!!!!

 This mask was made by Joe Rotella at their booth at Artiscape.  He has the coolest machine that you can find on their site.  I WANT ONE!!!!  It will scan and cut any shape you find from anywhere through your computer.  It is amazing.   Go visit them

 You can use anything you can find in your house or you can use rubber stamps or foam stamps.  The cirlces are a piece of wire I layed down.    Oh and rubbing plates by Cedar Canyon were also used to make some of the animal prints.


GELATIN Printing with the Gelli plate from Gelli Arts.
Also at Artiscape I taught Gelatin Printing on Sunday. It was so much fun. I did have to actually whip up the gelatin and then transport in forms there - but it was worth it. I think the students enjoyed it.

Above are the print I made using the Gelli Arts plate. You can use it over and over again and it will never fall apart like homemade gelatin will. I have the big one. The picture with the turtle is where Paige drew a sea turtle and I used it as a mask and then she glued down the mask to the print. I used Golden Fluid Acrylics - which are absolutely the best!!! The colors are so vibrant and highly pigmented and well....just wonderful to use.  She LOVES it and now it adorns her wall in her room. It is so much fun and if you are interested - go to Glli Arts website and check out their blog. You too can have a ball with Gelli Plates. Check them out here - They have tutorials also that are a big help.  The Golden Fluid Acrylics that we used can be bought online or at your art center.   Also, one of my Michael's here in Louisville carries Golden Fluids.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi - thanks for the awesome class! Here's the link to the stencils I was telling you about:

    Best, Stephanie
